Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 4 part 2

The second part of my week was spent discussing our website reports for the month of February. This means we actually got to see the number of users going on our site, what specific pages, for how long.. and what I'm most excited about.. what blog post did people go on most.
( side note: here's that picture of my initiation at CodaKid)

Our dear friend Viktor (from my last post), sent us this report as well.

The statistics actually made me very happy:

  • 38.99% increase in website traffic
  • 31.7% increase in Organic Search Traffic ( aka no ads were used to attract users)
  • 46.01% increase in new users
  • 27.95% increase in returning users

and my favorite stat ( this is what I've been working on since I started)

  • 972.73% increase in social media traffic
Which means, more people are seeing the blog,  Facebook, and Twitter posts we're posting!!

By far our most successful blog post has been our Parent's Guide to Minecraft post, with over 200 views!

We also got to track our top refferal websites and funnily enough... my blogspot was on the second page due to all the links I have on here LOL! 

I can't wait to create more content so we can get our stats up for March!

I also spent today sending out Pitch ideas to local news reporters so we can get some press coverage for our summer camp this year. We were mentioned in a couple articles last year from AZ Central, Fox 10, and 3TV )

Tune in next week for more!


  1. Great work, Eve! This stats are a huge increase and a testament to the effectiveness of your efforts! Do you have targets regarding these numbers? Is there a particular social media site that is proving particularly useful?

    As an aside, I love your initiation pic! :)

  2. It's really cool that you've increased the number of people who can see what you're posting! Which social media site has the most audience?

  3. Those stats sound amazing Eve, great work! Going off of what Ms. Mitrovich asked, what targets do you have regarding web traffic, and what's going to be your game-plan as far as continuing the upward trend?

    Fantastic Work! Look forward to hearing more!
