Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 2

Hi everybody,

After my second week at CodaKid, I feel a lot more comfortable working in the office. While a setback was still occurring with the online courses I mentioned last week, we still made a lot of progress. We worked on another blog post and a press kit- both of which I will discuss in greater detail later in this post.

What Mr.Dodge wanted me to focus on a little each day was an ongoing article called the 100,000 dollar challenge. This series of posts created by Neil Patel details the process of creating a start up and getting it to 100,000 in revenue within its first year of existence. Each monthly update discusses exactly what steps were made to achieve their monthly goal. Interestingly enough, more than half the year given for the project was spent on marketing and getting content out to the public without even
releasing a product to buy. This really shows the importance of consistent blogging and gaining a follower base- as well as organic search results. Organic search means users were going through a search engine and finding content from the blog with no references or links.

This really pushed us to think about how much content we should be getting out their in order for Google and other search engines to be finding our blogs and SEO ( search engine optimization) words in order to get our blog content up from page 7 to page 1 of the Google Search! So this week, we released a blog post that had to do with parent's understanding Minecraft, to get content out about Java Coding ( yes, there is a section on that within the article-- we want to include content that is relevant to what we do).

On top of this, I also started creating content for a press kit. What's a press kit? It's basically a page on your website where you list some information about your company, your product, your staff, and mention all the articles you have been featured in. This allows for further reporters that want to write a segment about you to get a concise image in their mind about your company-- and give them some inspiration for their article or news segment.

Next week I plan on publishing even more content for the blog, and hopefully write about the online class as soon as the technical issues have been resolved, so that we can create more awareness. We also have some website changes planned, so that when customers want to buy our online course, they are not distracted with our current main page, because it focuses more on the local aspect of the company. We want to change this so that the company can branch out into more national than local news.

Thanks again for reading and see you next week!



  1. Wow, Eve, you are really making a difference at CodaKid! I am delighted that you have found such a great mentor in Mr. Dodge - you're learning a lot about the start-up industry and its PR/marketing elements!

    Do your blog posts ever appear on other sites (for example, Raising Arizona Kids or websites focused on children's education or computer science)? I had been under the impression that Google results were also generated based upon the number of times that a specific website was chosen when googling a specific search term. Was I wrong all this time?! (If so, a prior employer had me do a lot of googling/clicking for no real purpose!) :)

    1. Hi Megan! Thank you so much, I really am lucky I've been learning so much at CodaKid.
      Unfortunately, unless we ask the editor of the website, the blogs we post only appear on our website. Google does rank the search results based on how many times the search key word has been clicked on-- which is why it's important for us to get our ideas out there so we can show up more often when people interested in what we are about google things such as "kid's coding" or " summer camp" and even " online coding class". Your employer was right but that's not all we can do to get our posts and website up in the rankings!

    2. Hi Megan! Thank you so much, I really am lucky I've been learning so much at CodaKid.
      Unfortunately, unless we ask the editor of the website, the blogs we post only appear on our website. Google does rank the search results based on how many times the search key word has been clicked on-- which is why it's important for us to get our ideas out there so we can show up more often when people interested in what we are about google things such as "kid's coding" or " summer camp" and even " online coding class". Your employer was right but that's not all we can do to get our posts and website up in the rankings!

  2. This project is really coming along! It sounds like you've accomplished a ton of work so far.

  3. It looks like you've been working hard! Keep up the good work!

  4. Wow 9-4 hours are really paying off amiright? Do they ask you to blog in a certain style or with a certain writing? What's the criteria for that?

  5. I love how there's many aspects to this project to get a holistic view on marketing elements. Keep it up!
